Enigma1Solutions offers advice on how to clean your house to get your security deposit back

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Before you get ahead of yourself with your next big move into a new home, you should spend some quality time making sure your current apartment is spotless and contains no potential defects/inconsistencies from when you first moved in until now.  You don’t have to play the guessing game with your security deposit, follow these steps to make sure you get it back, or else make it a quick trip to small claims court.

Understand the Lease

Make sure you have read your lease to ensure there are no hidden catches or misunderstandings about deposit maximums, additional deposits that may not be applicable in your state.  You can definitely find some landlords these days still using illegal deposit policies that can work in your favor.

Get it Sparkling Clean

After you’ve reviewed your lease, the next thing you want to do is make sure your place is spotless.  It helps a lot if you took pictures of the condition of the apartment before moving in, that way your landlord can never claim damages on anything that was already that way before you moved in.


You can get the bathroom cleaned relatively easily without buying harsh chemicals or bathing in bleach. Enigma1Solutions likes to opt for “Green” solutions when cleaning. Make a nice paste out of baking soda and peroxide to get your tiles and grout clean.  Mix vinegar and baking soda together in a lemon and water solution to create a natural all-purpose cleaner to take care of all your bathroom surfaces.  For your toilet, you might be better off just buying some organic cleaner off the shelf, as it might take a lot of vinegar solution to cut through a lot of staining.


For the kitchen, you can use the same baking soda and vinegar solutions/paste to take care of all your surfaces.  Use a cup of lemon and water solution in your microwave to create a steam that will break up all of the caked-on food and stains.  If your kitchen has any stainless steel surfaces, you can get an easy shine by just taking a dab of olive oil and buffing it until it is nice and shiny.


Start by going over the windows with your vinegar, baking soda, and water solution using a microfiber towel.  Next up is the carpet; this is where a lot of occupants can get hit with deductions for unnecessary carpet cleaning fees, as determined by the landlord.  To eliminate any chance of your carpet looking dirty or less vibrant as before, you can rent a steam cleaner that uses only 100% organic cleaning solution or hire Enigma1Solutions to clean your carpet or steam clean your tile and grout.

By using these tips you can save money preparing and cleaning your home, as well as position yourself to guarantee the collection of your deposit to be used towards your new move.

If you need help with house cleaning, carpet cleaning or painting, don’t hesitate to give Enigma1Solutions a call at 702-955-4147 so you can be sure to get your security deposit back.

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